Sally Cummings 

Sally Cummings has been a member of our Board since 2018. She has worked in healthcare for all of her career. The first half of her career she worked in the field of Radiology and is currently the Director of Managed Care and Revenue Integrity at a NNJ hospital. She is a member of the Central Unitarian Church in Westwood.



Jon Moscow

Jon Moscow, co-director of Ethics in Education Network and co-host of Ethical Schools podcast, joined the NNJSC in January 2017 and, together with his wife, Pat, hosted one of our clients for a year.  



Laura Bloom

Laura Bloom joined the board in 2016 as she was getting ready to retire from a career in social work. She has used many of these skills with our asylees while navigating the variety of legal, social and medical services required as they transition to life in New Jersey.



Marianne Conway

Marianne Conway is a member of St. Peter The Apostle Parish Church of River Edge.  Her career has been in education at the elementary and secondary levels and as a school principal and later assistant superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Patterson. She has two masters degrees in Religion and Administration & Supervision, respectively, and a PhD in Educational Leadership, Administration and Policy.  Her teaching career concentrated on theology.  She is deeply interested in the wellbeing of immigrants.



Bob Shoemaker

Bob  Shoemaker  is a member of Unitarian Society of Ridgewood. He served  for  34  years   as  a  Professor  at  the Stern  School of Business  at  NYU..  He   has  degrees  from  Amherst  College, M. I. T. ,  and  Carnegie  Mellon  University.(Ph D). He has hosted two different asylum seekers on behalf of NNJSC.